Avoid Total Knee Replacement & Slip-Disc Surgery

Press Release

Avoid knee replacement with holistic treatment


(Col) Dr. DP Sanan (retired),  83 yrs. old, had osteo-arthritis  in both knee. He underwent a holistic treatment at Dr. Bharti’s Holistic Wellness, which freed him from the painfullife of osteo-arthrits. He now walks comfortably and climbs staircase with ease as well. Dr. Bharti’s Holistic Wellness, with their vast experience, successfully treat osteo-arthritis, slip disc, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, forzen shoulder and lupus(SLE).

How does it happen?

According to an expert at Dr. Bharti’s Holistic Wellness, supports for knee joints chronic spasm of muscles and chronic tension in tendons around the hip joint, knee joint, ankle joint and the foot is released using some advanced treatment tools. As chronic spasm and chronic tension is released, the bones engaged in the formation of the knee joint (thigh bone and leg bone), realign and come to their normal position. Patients not only experience pain relief but they also lead a better quality of life.

The treatment of knee joints is based upon the ‘screw cap’ bottle principle. According to an expert, patients who are overweight or obese have negative impact on their knees. In such conditions, holistic treatment also helps them get backs to their normal weight.

In case of slip disc, sciatica re-alignment and decompression of  the spine is done, which relieves pain and saves the patient from surgery.

Immuno-modulation therapy works well in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and lupus (SLE).


  • Non-surgical, non-invasive
  • Quick results
  • Restores normal knee
  • Time-tested treatment
  • No drugs used
  • Improves overall health
  • Cost-effective

One response to “Avoid knee replacement with holistic treatment”

  1. Shahpar Salehi says:

    Dear Dr. Bharti’s;
    This is Dr Salehi, I am orthopedic surgeon with 35 years experience and practice in Tehran, Iran. Recently I watch your video clip in you tube and was very to made an impression me about Avoid knee replacement with holistic treatment.
    Could you let me know how I get information about this technique.
    Thanks a million

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