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What are Joint Pains?

Pains pertaining to joints of body, small or big are called joint pains.

What are the types of Joint diseases?

Joint diseases are mainly of five types:

  1. Degenerative, i.e. Osteo Arthritis, Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, etc…
  2. Auto-immune, i.e. Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythrematosis), Polyarthralgia, etc…
  3. Metabolic disorder, i.e. Gout, Frozen Shoulders, etc…
  4. Genetic – Ankylosing Spondylosis
  5. Structural deformity – PIVD (Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc), Spondylolisthesis, etc…

What are the main causes of joint diseases?

Allergen foods, faulty food habits, faulty living, persistent stress, lake of physical activities, wrong posture, injuries and pollution are mainly responsible for joint diseases.

How are joint diseases treated?

There are many modalities of the treatments. The allopathic way of treating diseases is most popular and others are Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Unani, Physiotherapy, Aacupuncture, etc.

Why do drugs fail to treat joint diseases? Why don’t other systems of medicine respond to the ailments?

Drugs do not address the root cause of the disease but provide only symptomatic relief. More the symptoms of the disease, more drugs are prescribed. Other systems of medicine also target only pain relief not the cause of the disease.

How are joint diseases treated by Holistic Approach?

For the treatment of joint diseases, Holistic Medicine target at the root cause, i.e. decongestion of vital organs, detoxification of the body, alkalization of tissues, recuperation of the nutrient deficiencies and correction of nutritional imbalance. Secondly, because of the above mentioned reasons, whatever structural deformities take place, holistic treatment also target at the correction of deformities using some corrective tools.

How is imbalance corrected?

For the correction of physiological imbalance natural tools in the form of cold compress oils; polyphenols from the cider vinegar of different fruits; different combinations of other cold oils; watermelon seeds, corn silk, Dandelion, Broccoli Seeds, etc. are used. For the alkalization of body tissues, mixture of different kinds of vegetable juices is used. Vegetable juices not only alkalise the body tissues but also chelate toxins, metabolic by-products and free radicals. Vegetable Juices are also excellent source of phyto-nutrients and phyto-pigments which are seriously missing from food we consume today. To overcome the nutritional deficiencies micro-nutrients are also used. For the correction of structural imbalance: chronic tension of tendons released. Joints re aligned and decompressed with help of some wonderful tools. Finally, patients are advised muscle strengthening exercises.

How does the therapy respond?

The results are quick; most of the patients, irrespective of age, sex, and physical conditions may observe positive results within days. In our practice, we have achieved the best results within 3-6 months.

Are the results permanent?

Results are long lasting. Patients are also advised to follow good lifestyle measures.

What is the greatest advantage of Holistic Management?

Advantages of Holistic treatment are as below:

  1. The body is treated in totality, as a unit
  2. Patient is not only relieved from joint pain but also leads quality life
  3. Patients are saved from unnecessary harmful drugs
  4. At any point of the treatment, patient does not undergo any physical or mental discomfort
  5. Joints are saved from surgery
  6. Affordable