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New Delhi: Punjabi Bagh | Kiran Vihar
Delhi NCR: Noida | Faridabad | Gurgaon
Others: Lucknow | Kanpur | Jaipur | Ludhiana
+91 - 9214700222 | mail@drbhartis.com

Reverse Arthritis

Internationally Renowned Holistic Physician Dr. Pankaj Bharti’s team of able Doctors is dealing with Life Style Disorders like Knee Joint Osteo-Arthritis, Arthritis and Spine Disorders. His innovative Holistic Approach has produced extra ordinary good results over the period of 18 years. His team has helped over 2 lac patients of various kinds of disorders.

Holistic Programme is based upon the great works of eminent doctors and corrective yoga experts like Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Neil Bernard, Dr. Josef Mercola, BKS Iyenger, Dr. SV Karandikar, great Shushruta and many more.

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About The Team

about the team

Dr. Bharti and his extremely qualified team has treated Presidents of India and many other dignitaries, celebrities, famous athletes/sports person and top industrialists throughtout the world.

Dr. Bharti and his team has organized various workshops in USA, UK, Canada and many other parts of the world. He has also delivered lectures among top professionals in IIMs, IITs and many other leading institutions of India.

How Does This Treatment Work?

Physiological Imbalance Correction

Metabolic Imbalance Correction

  • Detoxification
  • Vital Organs cleansing
  • Alkalization
  • VOGLA (Vital Organs Glands and Lymphatic System Activation) and
  • Optimum Nutrition

Structural Deformity

Structural Deformity/Imbalance Corrections

  • Muscle spasm released
  • Tendon tension released
  • Joints re-aligned
  • Body now opens to the posture which is organically and energetically nourished

Treatment Outcome

Treatment Outcome

  • Joint spaces widen up
  • Removes friction between bones
  • Bones forming knee joints re-aligned
  • Increases the stability of knee joints
  • Increases the flexibility of hip joints & ankle joints

Final Results

  • Pain free flexible joints
  • Better movement
  • Up and down stairs movement becomes comfortable
  • Further degeneration checked


Dr. Bharti Speaks About Osteo-arthritis

Patients Share their Experience

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